Weekly Bible Study
This group meets via Zoom

Each Monday evening all are invited to work through the scripture for the upcoming Sunday with Pastor Tom. Enjoy meeting with others in the comfort of your own home--this group meets via Zoom. The link is emailed out each week. Contact the church office for more info.

Book Studies
Currently on pause

As we seek to be Christians who are actively involved in deepening our faith as well as deepening our understanding of God's call on us to be involved in God's kingdom work in the world, we occasionally have book study groups that gather for that very purpose. Keep your eyes on the News page for a new study to begin.

Saintly Sinners
Women who lunch together

Once a month women of all ages and stages are invited to the home of one of our members for a light lunch and time of building friendships.

Men's Breakfast
Men who breakfast together

Men from our church gather most Thursday mornings at 7:00 a.m. at Romeo's pancake to share a meal, get to know one another better, and for a short devotion.

The Cast
Younger-ish adults who dinner together

Once a month adults in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s gather at someone's home for a meal and to build friendships with one another. For those who have kids, childcare is provided at the church for children age one and up. New people are always welcome. Second Thursdays of each month, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Contact Pastor Hilary Downs for information.